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LASERfacial - laser cleaning

The best way to give your skin an instant glow

LASERfacial is known around the world as one of the best treatments that can be done on your lunch break. Within 15 minutes your face will glow. This ‘super cleanse’ uses an Nd:YAG laser, with a beam length of 1064nm and gently heats the dermis to remove any diffuse redness, making the treatment particularly suitable for people with rosacea. LASERfacial also stimulates the production of your own collagen to remove fine lines and wrinkles and give the face a beautiful glow. There is no recovery period after laser resurfacing!

What are the advantages of LASER?

LASERfacial in detail

Laser cleaning is suitable for everyone – men and women, all phototypes and skin features. It can be used in conjunction with traditional manual extraction treatments, as well as alternated with it or used in combinations with a variety of cosmetic and facial cleansers. The procedure gives good results to anyone who wants to achieve prevention and correction, patients with sensitive skin and more acneic skin. Although all skin is a good candidate for laser resurfacing, at the examination immediately prior to the procedure you may be advised to postpone your appointment if you have active cold sores or are taking medications that increase photosensitivity, as well as if your skin is bruised and inflamed. These cases are rare, but it is good to be informed about them.

The procedure is safe, suitable for any season. We recommend using a sunscreen with a higher SPF of 30 or 50 after the procedure, at least for the first few days. You may experience a slight tanning smell during the procedure, but this is completely normal and does not harm your skin. The slight redness after the treatment is due to the heating of the skin and the stimulated blood circulation and is also completely normal. The doctor always examines the skin before a procedure and may advise you to move your appointment if contraindications are present.

Laser cleansing is a completely painless procedure – only a slight warming of the skin is felt after each laser pulse. Patients can relax while the laser produces all the positive effects at a subcutaneous level. There is no need for any anaesthesia – not even a topical application of lidocaine, because the procedure is extremely gentle and pleasant.

Before the laser cleansing procedure, it is a good idea to hydrate your skin as much as possible. A good recommendation is also to stop using retinoids, such as retinol, at least three days before the procedure (but best about a week). This is not mandatory, but is helpful, especially in cases where patients have more sensitive skin. It is also recommended to discontinue the use of glycolic acid and any other substances that may exfoliate or irritate the skin a few days before the procedure. Before any procedure, the doctor will examine the skin to know if he can safely treat it. Come to the clinic without makeup and facial products if you are in a hurry and only have time to perform the treatment. If not, cosmetics will be cleaned on the spot. You will then be invited into the laser room, where the doctor working with you will give you small, snug goggles to keep your eyes away from the laser. After you lie down and put on the glasses, the Nd:YAG laser will be turned on and the doctor will use it on your face in zones, moving the tip in a circular motion. The laser works on the surface of the skin as well as deep within and targets bacteria, impurities, reduces pore size, stimulates collagen production and helps with hyperpigmentation.

After the procedure, you can continue with your normal lifestyle without any worries. We recommend using a sunscreen with a higher SPF of 30 or 50 for the first few days after the procedure. Skin is more receptive to active products after laser cleansing, so immediately after the procedure is a great time to emphasize antioxidants and non-inflammatory anti-aging substances. Avoid retinoids and glycolic acid for about 48 hours after the procedure.

You can expect instant results – glowing skin. However, the treatment also achieves invisible results deep in the dermis: increased collagen production, and consequently shrunken pores, less oiliness of the skin, reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, improved appearance of hyperpigmentation and a more even skin texture.

The generally accepted protocol includes 4-6 treatments with a period of 2-3 weeks in between to achieve the maximum effect, but individual protocols can be prepared for each patient including only this procedure or combinations of cleansing and hydrating treatments. Results are discreet, but patients most like the rosy glow of the skin immediately after the laser cleansing treatment.

See prices for LASER facials at Skin Line or buy online:

Book a consultation for a LASER facial at Skin Line:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

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Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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