Unlock your natural beauty

in Aesthetic and dermatological clinics
Skin Line

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Светлана Кръстева | Skin Line

At Skin Line Aesthetic and Dermatology Clinics, we have been dedicated to beauty care since 2001. We are convinced that our sense of harmony is directly related to the balance between our inner and outer beauty. Our team’s efforts are focused on the individuality and uniqueness of each client, their personal needs, expectations and desires.

Svetlana Krasteva

In our aesthetic and dermatological clinics
in Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna we work in several areas

In our aesthetic and dermatological clinics in Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna we work in several areas – aesthetic and clinical dermatology, laser dermatosurgery, laser hair removal, other laser procedures, anti-cellulite and body and facial sculpting therapies, cryolipolysis, mesotherapy, aesthetic non-operative injection procedures with botulinum toxin and dermal fillers, instrumental and cosmetic facial therapies.

Our proven strategy for success over the years has been an individual approach, professionalism, respect and confidentiality combined with top of the line equipment and products. We embrace the challenge of presenting new and original treatments, developing and building our personal and professional skills, being proactive and focused and maintaining our authenticity. We highly value our clients’ loyalty, mutual trust and the feedback process because it is extremely important to me and the team.

Svetlana Krasteva


years in aesthetic dermatology

Skin Line is the first aesthetic dermatology in Bulgaria, established in 2001. Skin Line organized the first specialized training in the field of aesthetic medicine in Bulgaria with the participation of world-renowned specialists in aesthetic dermatology and cosmetology.


clinics Skin Line

Aesthetic and dermatological clinics Skin Line are at 3 addresses in Bulgaria – in the town of. Varna, on Blvd. Knyaz Boris I №53, Plovdiv on Blvd. Maritsa №91 and in Varna. Sofia on ul. Dragan Tsankov №12-16 and on Blvd. Alexander Malinov №91.


doctors dermatologists kinesiotherapists beauticians

The doctors, dermatologists and kinesiotherapists at Skin Line aesthetic and dermatological clinics constantly improve their knowledge through regular participation in all relevant forums at home and abroad. All Skin Line specialists are certified by international trainers for the procedures they perform.


treatments apparatus or products from reputable manufacturers

The professionalism of the doctors, dermatologists and kinesiotherapists at Skin Line aesthetic and dermatological clinics and the individual approach to clients combined with top-class equipment, products and up-to-date world-class treatments is our proven strategy for success.


customers assured in the quality of our procedures

Skin Line Aesthetic and Dermatology Clinics are our world where we all create beauty. We do it every day, with passion and dedication, putting our soul into the treatments we do for you, our clients.

WhatClinic Patient Service Award 2019
What Clinic Service Award 2020


WhatClinic Patient Service Award
2019 и 2020

Skin Line Aesthetic and Dermatology Clinics meet all the standards that ensure the quality and safety of aesthetic services and the clinics have been awarded the prestigious “Service Award 2019″ and “Service Award 2020” twice by the international booking platform for medical and cosmetic services WhatClinic for service and quality of services offered.

SKINLine1 Stickers Aesthetic Medical Beauty Awards ENG 06
SkinLINE1 Stickers Aesthetic Medical Beauty Awards ENG 10
SkinLine1 Stickers Aesthetic Medical Beauty Awards ENG 03

Aesthetic Medical Beauty Awards


April 21, 2022. Skin Line Aesthetic Clinics won the gold award in the category of Best PRP and/or Mesotherapy Treatment (Signature PRP&PRF with Enrichment). We won silver in the Best Filer Procedure (Full Face Approach) category, and bronze in the Best Dermatology & Plastic Surgery Clinic category.

Medical Awards 2023 Иновации в естетичната медицина
Medical Awards 2023 Лидер в медико естетичните процедури


Balkan Medical Awards

On 05 May 2023, the eighth edition of the prestigious BALKAN MEDICAL AWARDS 2023 took place at the OTO Event Room in the St. Petersburg Hotel – Plovdiv, which honoured the humanism and responsibility of doctors, hospitals, clinics and teams with proven significant achievements in the field of medicine.

Skin Line Aesthetic Clinics was nominated in three categories and awarded two prizes:

  • Leader in Medical Aesthetic Procedures for 2023 and
  • Innovation in Aesthetic Medicine for 2023
Skin Line Referrence Center for non invasive procedures InMode

InMode Reference Centre
Non-invasive procedures


01 December 2023. Skin Line Aesthetic Clinics – Europe’s first reference centre for non-invasive InMode procedures. As a reference centre, the clinics will provide clients with the best non-invasive treatments from the InMode portfolio – Forma, BodyFX, FormaI, FormaV, Lumecca, MiniFX and Morpheus8.

Book a consultation at Skin Line:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

Book consultation in:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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