PRF / Plasma Rich Fibrin / is the latest natural tissue regeneration and rejuvenation treatment through plasma serum, suitable for lack of volume, skin depression, puffiness around the eye area and forehead wrinkles.
(PRP) also known as a “vampire facelift” is a well-known procedure in aesthetic medicine that has been successfully applied in recent years to aid the process of hair and skin restoration and wound healing.
PRP is part of regenerative medicine, as is the next generation of autologous therapy, the latest PRF/fibrin-rich plasma procedure, which has yet to be talked about. This treatment is an evolution in natural rejuvenation as a tool for tissue regeneration and rejuvenation through plasma serum.
Fibrin is a biological scaffolding that forms upon injury anywhere in the body. Platelets normally circulate in the blood and bind to the fibrin scaffold. Thus bound, they are activated and release growth factors, which are tiny “granules”. These growth factors begin the wound healing process by creating new skin cells, collagen and blood vessels.
Similar to PRP, in PRF, blood is drawn from the patient, centrifuged to concentrate fibrin membranes enriched with platelets, growth factors and white blood cells into the plasma solution. The extracted biomaterial is used to fill wrinkles, skin depressions, areas of volume loss, hollows around the eyes, forehead, etc. and achieve a lifting effect.
Thanks to PRF, growth factors are released over time, which means the procedure has longer-term benefits than PRP. Growth factors stimulate stem cells, which improve collagen and elastin in the skin. The platelets in PRF are thought to survive better than those in PRP and thus assist in faster recovery and new tissue formation.
PRF uses natural fibrin biomaterial, acquired without anticoagulant, without any artificial biochemical modification and is completely safe. This procedure is a natural alternative to hyaluronic fillers to create volume and achieve a lifting effect. It is applied in areas that are taboo for hyaluronic fillers and the amount of material is about 10ml. PRF is not just a filler but a treatment that regenerates soft and hard tissue long term.
Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv
Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.
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Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost
Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91
Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center
Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.
Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna
Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.