Stretch marks

Stretch marks are a dermatological and aesthetic problem faced by millions of people worldwide. Unlike cellulite, it does not primarily affect women. On the contrary, it is common in men as well.

Although many put up with stretch marks, compromises are no longer necessary, and the myth that they cannot be removed is completely wrong. In modern aesthetic medicine, there are a number of methods for their deletion.

At Skin Line, we have reliable equipment and a team of specialists to tackle this cosmetic imperfection. You can rely on our professional expertise and individual approach in removing stretch marks from different parts of the body.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are a type of scarring due to dysfunction in collagen production. Although their appearance is not due to mechanical damage, in practice they are also an undesirable skin alteration of the atrophic type. They have the appearance of white linear scars and can appear in many places on the body – buttocks, thighs, abdomen, breasts, etc.

They are initially of a distinct hue – purple or pink. This is the initial stage of the formation of stretch marks and very often even the owner is not aware of what this change on the skin is due to. If therapy is started in this phase, the beneficial results come much more quickly and easily. This does not at all mean that so-called old stretch marks in their final phase cannot be erased.

Unlike other types of scars, these cannot be removed by topical means, which is why their removal requires more drastic methods.

Stretch marks can be red, pink, or purple streaks on the skin that fade to white or gray. They can also be groups of concave lines, usually on the abdomen, thighs, chest, shoulders, or upper arms. They are more common in women and may appear during pregnancy. Stretch marks can also affect other groups of people whose bodies have undergone rapid changes – puberty, growth, muscle mass gain in athletes.

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks are formed due to the rupture of the main fibres in the epidermis (the top layer of the skin) – the collagen and elastin fibres. In practice, they are connective tissue that has lost all its flexibility and natural ability to return to its original position and structure when stretched.

Most often stretch marks are formed when:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Abrupt weight gain or loss;
  • Hormonal problems that are also directly tied to weight change;
  • Taking a certain type of medication and the presence of certain diseases (steroids and disorders in the secretion of the adrenal glands);
  • Changes in the body occurring too quickly with strenuous exercise;
    Dynamic growth spurt during puberty;

From the above it is clear that stretch marks are not at all caused only by pregnancy – they can appear even in children, and besides, a healthy lifestyle is not always a guarantee of their prevention. In the case of already appearing stretch marks in the form of purple or pink spots, a timely reaction significantly increases the chance of their elimination. The same applies to prevention in the presence of the listed risk factors.

Stretch marks are caused by tears in the dermis, the middle layer of the skin, which consists of collagen, elastin and fibrillin – proteins that give the skin its strength and elasticity. Hormonal changes with rapid weight gain can also cause stretch marks. Other factors causing stretch marks are medications (oral or topical steroids)or medical conditions (problems with the adrenal glands).


Scars are a natural part of the skin healing process, but can often cause pain, discomfort, or aesthetic problems. Most small scars become almost invisible if given the time they need to heal, but large, dense, or sunken scars can be treated to improve their appearance. Scars can be caused by any injury to the skin. However, if the wound is deeper, the healing time increases and the scar becomes more visible. Most scars are treatable, and your dermatologist will recommend the most appropriate therapy for the injury that caused the scar.

Solutions for stretch marks at Skin Line

At Skin Line, we embrace a personalized approach to solving aesthetic problems as the key to ultimate success. The positive results of stretch mark treatments are mainly due to the personal attention to the individual case. In our aesthetic clinic, we carefully select the treatment methods for each patient according to the condition and phase of the type of imperfection, as well as their expectations for its erasure.


Treatment of stretch marks with CO2 laser

CO2 is a classic fractional laser. The specificity of this type of technology is that it manages to "vaporize" the entire superficial epidermal layer. It is in this part of the skin that stretch marks are formed. The CO2 laser works on the principle of thermal impact. As well as erasing, it also activates - the laser has been proven to stimulate the production of new and healthy elastin and collagen fibres. And because the CO2 laser has the property of smoothing the skin, and the unfolding effect gives it a higher degree of density, the therapy tackles the deep deformities of relief stretch marks.The main advantage of the technology is that it achieves a universal remodelling of the affected part of the skin. In addition to hiding them from your view, the laser improves the overall condition of the dermis, and by increasing its elasticity and structure, it also helps prevent subsequent atrophy in the tissue, sagging, signs of aging, etc.

Lumenis ResurFX

Treatment of stretch marks with ResurFX

ResurFX is also a type of laser therapy. It has no less high success rate in the fight against stretch marks. ResurFX is often referred to as "the laser against blemishes" and this is quite logical, considering that its main function is to eliminate the created imperfection from the foundation. ResurFX therapy has not so much a restorative as a renewing effect. Like C02, this laser is fractional. The main difference is that ResurFX is a non-ablative laser technology. In other words, just like C02, it reaches the maximum depth of the skin but does not remove the outer layer of the skin. This makes ResurFX therapy more gentle in terms of the recovery period. Although it is the more delicate method, the ResurFX laser is an optimal solution for stretch marks in the initial stage of appearance, and not for old and too large in size bumps.

PRP Centrifuge

Treatment of stretch marks with PRP

The abbreviation PRP is derived from the term Platelet Rich Plasma. In Bulgaria, this type of aesthetic therapy is known as Plasmotherapy. It is also particularly suitable and effective for scars, including stretch marks. PRP is among the latest cosmetic solutions against a wide range of skin problems. It is based on an innovative technology allowing the body itself to fight and regenerate. PRP uses the patient's personal plasma to repair damage in the affected dermal tissues. The method is highly regarded and widely used in the medical field. Plasmotherapy is performed in general surgery, rheumatology and trauma, which increases the patient's confidence when undergoing the procedure. In PRP, stretch marks are corrected by injecting the carrier's own plasma into the area. The plasma itself consists mainly of water, but also of key biological components with a restorative effect - vitamins, amino acids, peptides, hormones, etc. This cocktail of substances activates the natural process of tissue regeneration and at the same time enhances the secretion of the main structural elements in the skin - collagen and elastin. No less advantage of PRP therapy is that it improves microcirculation in the skin and thus increases its tone.

RRS Strimatrix

Mesotherapy RRS Strimatrix

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that we typically associate with anti-aging goals. While it is most often applied to the face, there is no obstacle to achieving the desired result of smoothing and rejuvenation on the body as well.When the focus is on erasing stretch marks, mesotherapy is applied with RRS Strimatrix. It is a product with regenerating properties of a new generation. Its main function is to tighten the skin and accelerate the restoration of its elasticity. RRS Strimatrix is completely safe and with an all-natural formula. It consists of non- cross-linked resorbable hyaluronic acid added to a bio-stimulating solution and organic silicon. The tightening properties of the formulation have been proven over time not only on the body, but also on the face, where in practice the skin recovers harder and slower. The only drawback of RRS Strimatrix mesotherapy against stretch marks is that it requires maintenance treatments ahead of time.

Prevention and prevention against stretch marks

To avoid the reappearance of stretch marks, it is advisable to follow the prescriptions for prevention and prevention. Our experts will give you personalized guidance, which may include:

increased caution if you are demonstrably prone to stretch marks: with stretch marks already treated and removed, it is important to monitor for the appearance of new ones in order to take timely action;
adherence to a diet or doctor prescribed therapy if the imperfections are a symptom of thyroid problems and hormonal imbalances;
maintaining optimal body hydration – both internally and externally;
topical treatment of the skin during pregnancy (especially in the abdomen and chest area, and anywhere that shows a rise in body mass) with appropriate and proven fetal-safe products;
regular workouts designed specifically for you, your body and your health status, the effects of which are tailored to the individual needs of your skin and musculature.

Book a consultation for stretch mark treatment at Skin Line:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

Book consultation in:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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