Chemical peeling

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At Skin Line, treatments are performed by dermatologists who will select the type and depth of peel and number of treatments best suited to your skin’s needs.

The duration of the procedure is about 30-45 minutes. The discomfort experienced by the patient is minor, depends on the chemical agent used, and is most often expressed in mild to moderate tingling and burning during the procedure; redness or flushing of the skin after the procedure, which subsides within hours or up to a few days, as well as increased flaking of the skin up to 7 days after the peeling, depending on the depth. Suitable seasons for chemical peels are autumn, winter and spring.

The result after a course of chemical agent treatments is a visible change in the skin due to improved turgor, smoothing of fine lines and a reduction in the expression of deeper wrinkles. The skin is hydrated, revitalized and radiant. Sebaceous secretion is regulated, pores are shrunk, the active phase of mild and moderate acne is stopped, scars are smoothed, unaesthetic pigmentation is removed, complexion is evened and smoothed.

Chemical peels are a safe and effective procedure for treating a variety of skin imperfections that produce excellent aesthetic results.

Chemical peels at Skin Line do:

See prices for peel treatments at Skin Line or buy online:

Book a peeling consultation at Skin Line:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

Book consultation in:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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