Shine on with Lumenis Stellar M22

Beauty of your skin in one platform
There are as many people on earth as there are stars in the sky. Each of them is different. Each of them is special. For everyone on the planet, the Lumenis Stellar M22 offers a different solution. By rejuvenating the skin to the best it can be, they will feel good, they will feel confident. They will feel like a star. Shine bright.
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What is Lumenis Stellar M22

Lumenis Stellar M22 is the latest, powerful modular platform for multiple skin enhancement applications inspired by the brightest constellation in the sky. It provides your therapist with the ability to safely and effectively treat a variety of indications across skin types, age and gender. The latest generation of Lumenis M22 called Stellar is the pinnacle achievement of the manufacturing company Lumenis, which invented IPL technology in 1993. This discovery was revolutionary for laser treatments in aesthetic medicine. To this day, Lumenis IPL systems are unsurpassed in their effectiveness and safety.

Acne Solution with Lumenis Stellar M22

Gentle treatment for inflammatory acne with the Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL, which:
  • Eliminates bacteria in the pores
  • Improves the appearance of the skin
  • Provides a great alternative to oral medication treatment
  • Helps you regain your self-confidence with minimal downtime, so you can get back to your busy lifestyle in a flash.
Acne treatment with Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) enables your doctor to significantly improve the appearance of your skin, reduce acne, while treating redness and pigmentation of your skin. The unique Stellar M22™ IPL therapy emits pulses of light on the treated area that trigger a biochemical response that will ultimately eliminate bacteria in the pores. Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL is a non-invasive solution to inflammatory acne with fewer side effects than oral medications.

Unwanted hair removal with Lumenis Stellar M22

Removing unwanted hair with Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL is a non-invasive treatment that destroys hair follicles, resulting in smooth and beautiful skin. Our unique IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology targets hair follicles and disrupts their ability to grow. Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL hair solution is effective on black, brown, blonde and red hairs.
IPL hair removal technology – Highly controlled light pulses are applied to the treated area and are selectively absorbed by the hair follicles below the skin surface. The absorbed light heats the hair follicles, which damages the follicle’s re-growth potential – all without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Rosacea treatment with Lumenis Stellar M22

Rosacea treatment with Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL is a quick but gentle procedure that visibly improves the condition:
  • Reduces redness
  • Prevents redness flushes
  • Shrinks small blood vessels
  • Improves overall skin appearance by stimulating collagen and elastic fiber production.
The technology behind the Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) allows treatment of rosacea symptoms such as redness, flushing and dilated blood vessels while improving the overall appearance of the skin. Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL with Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT™) allows the Your physician to customize treatment according to your skin type, severity of condition and desired results, while maximizing safety.

Photorejuvenation with Lumenis Stellar M22

Photorejuvenation with Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL is a quick but gentle procedure that visibly improves skin condition:
  • Removes pigmentation
  • Removes age/sun spots
  • Removes broken capillaries
  • Improves overall skin appearance by stimulating collagen and elastic fiber production.
A photorejuvenation treatment with Lumenis Stellar M22™ enables your doctor to offer remarkable results for treating a range of skin problems, such as age spots and sun spots, freckles, birthmarks, rosacea and broken capillaries.
The technology behind Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL photorejuvenation allows for the treatment of pigmentation and vascular imperfections while improving the overall appearance of the skin. The Stellar M22™ IPL with Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT™) allows your physician to customize the treatment according to your skin type and desired results, while maximizing safety. Pulses of light penetrate the tissue and create heat, targeting skin imperfections in a controlled manner. The body’s natural process then removes the treated tissue while collagen and elastic fibers stimulate, resulting in a visible improvement in skin tone and overall appearance.

Treatment of varicose vessels and capillaries with Lumenis Stellar M22

Treatment of varicose blood vessels and capillaries with Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL is a non-invasive treatment that visibly improves:
  • Varicose vessels on the legs
  • Varicose vessels on the face
  • Thick varicose veins
  • Fine capillaries
with minimal downtime so you can return to your busy lifestyle quickly.
The technology behind the Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL or Nd:YAG laser creates heat in the blood vessels that closes the vein walls, eventually causing it to disappear. The laser is very precise and only affects the selected blood vessel and does not affect the surrounding skin. The IPL filter also targets the blood vessels and does not affect the surrounding skin. Both Lumenis technologies allow cooling of the skin between pulses, which reduces the likelihood of skin damage, resulting in excellent results.

Non-ablative laser fractional peeling with Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX

The Lumenis Stellar M22™ ResurFX non-ablative laser fractional peel is an optimally tailored treatment that treats the early signs of aging to achieve noticeable results in:
  • Removes fine lines
  • Improves skin texture
  • Improves overall skin appearance
And all in one “lunch break” treatment so you can get back to your busy lifestyle.
The technology behind the Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL or Nd:YAG laser creates heat in the blood vessels that closes the vein walls, eventually causing it to disappear. The laser is very precise and only affects the selected blood vessel and does not affect the surrounding skin. The IPL filter also targets the blood vessels and does not affect the surrounding skin. Both Lumenis technologies allow cooling of the skin between pulses, which reduces the likelihood of skin damage, resulting in excellent results.

Stria treatment with Lumenis Stellar M22 Photofractional

The Lumenis Stellar M22™ Photofractional stretch mark treatment is an effective treatment that dramatically improves the appearance of old or new stretch marks on:
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Breasts
With minimal downtime, so you can return to your busy lifestyle in a flash.
Lumenis Stellar M22 Photofractional™ technology combines Lumenis IPL™ and Lumenis ResurFX™ technologies, allowing for the treatment of pigmentation and skin texture simultaneously. Stellar M22™ IPL technology removes unwanted pigment from the skin, while ResurFX™ fractional laser technology stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin fibers in the deeper layers of the skin. Stimulating the production of new collagen is the key to smoother, firmer skin.

Lumenis Stellar M22 Photofractional

The Lumenis Stellar M22™ Photofractional™ treatment works on your cells to stimulate deep collagen regeneration over a series of treatments. It typically takes 1 to 3 sessions to have a visible improvement in skin texture and fine lines. Optimal results are achieved after 3-5 sessions spaced 2-6 weeks apart.
Lumenis Stellar M22 Photofractional™ technology combines Lumenis IPL™ and Lumenis ResurFX™ technologies, allowing for the treatment of pigmentation and skin texture simultaneously. Stellar M22™ IPL technology removes unwanted pigment from the skin, while ResurFX™ fractional laser technology stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin fibers in the deeper layers of the skin. Stimulating the production of new collagen is the key to smoother, firmer skin.

How Lumenis Stellar M22 works?

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The Lumenis Stellar M22™ is a powerful modular medical platform for treating all skin types with more than 30 pathological or aesthetic conditions. It combines several of Lumenis’ patented and time-tested cutting-edge technologies to work efficiently and safely on the patient’s skin. The ability to combine two or more technologies in a single treatment allows for dramatic multiplication of effects and reduction of treatment time.

Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL

The Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL is a versatile applicator for treating over 20 skin conditions and removing unwanted hair thanks to the alien technology built into the device:
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Lumenis OPT® Optimal Pulse Technology controls the pulse shape and length. The advantages of Lumenis OPT®:
  • Control over pulse shape by aligning and energy distribution over the entire pulse or over several consecutive pulses.
  • More gentle and patient-friendly treatments, with lower and more efficient energies.
  • High peak power, shorter pulses – optimal for IPL skin photorejuvenation treatments and treatment of benign pigmented lesions.
  • Advanced OPT allows the determination of the specific energy for each sub-pulse when using multiple sequential pulses (MSP™), to fine-tune treatment settings.
Multiple sequential pulsing (MSP™) allows for a less painful and safer procedure while cooling the skin between pulses. Benefits of Lumenis MSP™:
  • Lumenis MSP™ alternates the delivery of light energy with cooling between pulses to ensure the highest degree of safety during treatment. The Lumenis MSP™ technology allows a greater amount of energy to be safely delivered to the target while allowing the surrounding tissue to cool
  • 9 ExpertFilters™ that can be changed in seconds.
  • 3 SapphireCool™ light guides for patient comfort through continuous contact cooling.

See a list of all indications where the Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL achieves outstanding clinical results.

Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
1. Acne
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
2. Angiomas
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
3. Benign cutaneous lesions
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
4. Benign epidermal lesions
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
5. Skin lesions
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
6. Dyschromia
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
7. Freckles
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
8. Erythema in rosacea
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
9. Facial telangiectasias
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
10. Unwanted hair removal
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
11. Haemangiomas
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
12. Hyperpigmentation
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
13. Telangiectasias of the legs
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
14. Varicose blood vessels of the legs
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
15. Melasma
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
16. ПSivat's oikiloderma
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
17. Portwine stains
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
18. Scars
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
19. Spyder veins
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
20. Striae
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
21. Teleangiectasia on the trunk
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
22. Venous malformations
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
Lumenis Stellar M22 IPL
23. Warts

Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™

The world’s only true fractional non-ablative skin renewal solution. High-precision laser microbeams create narrow, deep columns of tissue coagulation in the epidermis and dermis, leaving the stratum corneum and surrounding tissue unaffected. Stimulates the skin’s natural healing response.
Неаблативен рисърфисинг с Lumenis ResurFX апликатор
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™ – only one pass is required for effective skin renewal, saving time and protecting the patient’s skin. The only true fractional non-ablative technology.
  • State-of-the-art CoolScan™ scanner with continuous contact cooling for increased patient comfort.
  • Choose from over 600 combinations of area shape, size and density for optimal treatment, whether it’s a single lesion or the entire face.
  • Predictable and reproducible results thanks to precise, homogeneous and uniform microbeam energy, which is achieved through exceptional scanning capabilities.
  • Easy visibility of the treatment area through the SapphireCool™ Tip window.

See a list of all indications where Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™ achieves outstanding clinical results.

Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
1. Fine lines and wrinkles
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
2. Acne scars
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
3. Soft tissue coagulation
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
4. Dyschromia
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
5. Melasma
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
6. Eye wrinkles
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
7. Laser rejuvenation
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
8. Stretch marks removal
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
Lumenis Stellar M22 ResurFX™
9. Removing surgical scars

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

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Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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