9 reasons
to choose
Skin Line for
laser hair removal in Sofia

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9 reasons to choose Skin Line for your laser hair removal in Sofia

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is the only permanent method of removing unwanted hair that provides long-lasting results. In the laser hair removal procedure, the light emitted by the laser heats the melanin (pigment) in the hair and damages the hair follicle.The principle on which laser hair removal is based is called "selective photothermolysis". Due to its specific wavelength, the light emitted by the laser is absorbed by the pigment melanin, which is a constituent of the hair shaft, and not by the surrounding skin and thus thermally destroys the hair follicle.

Why Skin Line chose alexandrite over diode laser for laser hair removal in Sofia

For a successful laser hair removal, the laser must emit a pulse powerful enough and short enough to destroy the hair follicle before the surrounding skin is damaged. Therefore, the higher the peak power and the shorter the pulse, the more effective a hair removal laser is.

We will compare the most powerful diode laser sold in Bulgaria with the alexandrite laser in the Candela Gentle Max Pro Plus medical platform (Cynosure Elite+ has similar parameters). For this purpose we will use the technical specifications of the manufacturers and the experience gained over the years at Skin Line.

Using the powerful Cynosure Elite+ and Candela Gentle Max Pro Plus medical laser platforms allows us to offer our clients faster, more effective and more economical laser hair removal in Sofia.

Лазерна епилация в софия 1

Why is one laser hair removal procedure not enough?

Hair growth on the human body is cyclic and within 1 to 3 months it goes through 3 different phases - anagen, catagen and telogen. Only in the anagen (active) phase of growth, the hair is firmly connected to the hair follicle as it feeds from it. Therefore, laser hair removal can only damage the hair follicle when it is in the active (anagen) growth phase. To remove all the hairs in an area of the face or body, several treatments are needed at intervals.

Лазерна епилация в софия 2

How many laser hair removal treatments should you do?

Treatments are usually performed at intervals of 3 to 5 weeks and the number is individual. Depending on the treatment area and the colour and texture of the hair, the intervals can be longer and the specialists at Skin Line Sofia would advise on the interval to be in a particular case.

What types of hair removal lasers can you find in Sofia?

Choosing the right type of hair removal laser is paramount to the final results.

Two types of hair removal lasers are known – cosmetic and medical. Cosmetic lasers can be used by anyone and are relatively safe. Cosmetic lasers are also called diode lasers because they use diodes as the light source.

Unlike cosmetic lasers, medical lasers can only be used by medical professionals and require more advanced knowledge and skills. Medical hair removal lasers can be alexandrite or Nd:YAG lasers, depending on the wavelength they emit.

Choosing the right type of hair removal laser is paramount to the final results.

Alexandrite laser 755nm
Alexandrite laser 755nm
Alexandrite lasers are the most widespread and widely used lasers for hair removal. They are the "gold standard" for the procedure, as the wavelength of the laser beam is best absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. Alexandrite lasers are able to generate pulses of high power and short length - 2 - 3 milliseconds, which enables them to successfully treat even the finest and thinnest hairs. Achieving a definitive result is possible with as few short and relatively painless procedures as possible.
Nd:YAG лазер 1064nm
Nd:YAG лазер 1064nm
Nd:YAG lasers are medical lasers that are used for laser hair removal and the treatment of a number of other dermatological conditions. Their wavelength is partially absorbed by melanin in the hair shaft, but even better by hemoglobin in the blood, coagulating the blood vessels supplying the hair follicle. This is why Nd:YAG lasers are suitable for hair removal on people with dark skin tone - phototype V or VI, although it is more painful and less effective on fine hair than Alexandrite lasers.
Diode laser 810nm
Diode laser 810nm
Diode lasers are cosmetic lasers with low power and long pulse length - over 30 milliseconds. Their use does not require medical training and they are usually found in beauty studios, hairdressing salons and other non-specialised centres. Unfortunately, the final result of the diode laser is most unsatisfactory due to the lack of a short pulse length. They require the application of contact gel and repeated repetition, which prolongs the duration of procedures.

Find out which type of laser is best for you

1. Вашият фототип кожа
2. Вашият цвят окосмяване
3. Дебелина на косъма
  1. Your skin phototype

2. Your hair color

3. Hair thickness

The most suitable type of laser to treat your hair is

Do you need further consultation? Our laser specialist will contact you.

Find out which laser is best suited to treat your unwanted hair and get a personalised laser hair removal proposal for your chosen areas

Какъв фототип е вашата кожа *
Какъв цвят е нежеланото ви окосмяване *
Излагали ли сте се наскоро на слънце? *

Най-подходящият лазер за премахване на вашето нежелано окосмяване е:

Александритен лазер

Александритен лазер

Александритните лазери са най-широко разпространения и използвани лазери за епилация. Те са „Златният стандарт“ за процедурата, т.като дължината на вълната на лазерния лъч се абсорбира най-добре от меланина в космения фоликул. Александритните лазери са способни да генерират импулси с голяма мощност и малка дължина – 2 – 3 милисекунди, което им дава възможност успешно да третират дори и най-фините и тънки косми. Постигането на окончателен резултат е възможно с най-малък брой кратки и сравнително безболезнени процедури.

Заповядайте на консултация и тест спот

За вашия тип окосмяване е най-добре специалист да прецени на място дали сте подходящ кандидат за лазерна епилация. Консултацията е безплатна и включва т.нар. "тест спот" - третиране на част от зоната, която бихте искали да се работи, за да оценим отговора на космените фоликули към лазера и потенциалния резултат. Ако резултатът е задоволителен, можем да третираме зоната.

Подходящ лазер за премахване на вашето нежелано окосмяване е:

Nd:YAG лазер

Nd:YAG лазер

Nd:YAG лазерите са медицински лазери, които се използват за лазерна епилация и третиране на редица други дерматологични състояния. Тяхната дължина на вълната се абсорбира частично от меланина в косъма, но още по-добре от хемоглобина в кръвта, като коагулира кръвоносните съдове, захранващи космения фоликул. Затова Nd:YAG лазерите са подходящи за епилация на хора с тъмен цвят на кожата – V или VI фототип, въпреки че е по-болезнен и по-малко ефективен при фино окосмяване от Александритните лазери.

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Types of lasers in Skin Line for laser hair removal in Sofia

Aesthetic Clinics Skin Line Sofia chose to work with the two most proven and effective laser systems Cynosure Elite+ and Candela GentleMax Pro Plus, which combine Alexandrite (755nm) and Nd:YAG lasers. With the combined approach of the American companies Cynosure and Candela, in Sofia, we offer an even more individualized approach to different skin and hair phototypes, maximum painless and fast procedures, and even better final results.

Treatment areas and duration of the laser hair removal procedure in Sofia

Laser hair removal for face

Laser hair removal for body areas

Prices of Packages 1of 6 for laser hair removal in Sofia:

Book a consultation for laser hair removal at Skin Line:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

Book consultation in:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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