
HArmonyCa® is a new hybrid filter from Allergan Aesthetics with a dual effect – it adds immediate volume and lifts the skin gradually and continuously in the injection areas.

HArmonyCa double mesh

As we age, loss of volume and change in texture are the most noticeable signs that our skin is aging. Most dermal fillers contain only hyaluronic acid or a biostimulant and cannot provide the combined benefits of hyaluronic acid lifting and continued stimulation of collagen synthesis by calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) alone.

What is HArmonyCa®

Harmonyca logo

The HArmonyCa® formula combines hyaluronic acid with calcium hydroxyapatite in one product to add immediate volume to the injection areas thanks to the hyaluronic acid and gradual and prolonged lifting thanks to the collagen stimulation induced by the calcium hydroxyapatite.

Applications of HArmonyCa® in aesthetic dermatology

HArmonyCa® is a hybrid filter with dual action. Immediately after injection it creates volume and contours. Subsequently, the hydroxyapatite begins to work and create a scaffold around which the skin accumulates collagen and elastin that build the new tissue. HArmonyCa® is an indispensable aid in restoring structural loss in the skin, tightening and smoothing fine lines and wrinkles on the face. It is also used to tighten, smooth and correct volume loss in the skin on the upper arms.

Why skin tightening with HArmonyCa® is necessary

Your skin changes over time due to a decrease in collagen and elastin, which contribute to the skin’s strength and elasticity. Unfortunately, aging and environmental factors (such as sun exposure) make it difficult for the body to produce these components. Decreased collagen and elastin can lead to wrinkling and sagging of the facial skin, which are the first signs of skin ageing

Хармоника изображение 1

Main advantages of HArmonyCa®

HArmonyCa® is the only dual-effect hybrid filter of its kind that adds immediate volume and lifts the skin gradually and continuously in the injection areas. As HArmonyCa® breaks down over time, a dense network of collagen fiber forms thanks to the second component, calcium hydroxyapatite. The collagen and elastin formed replaces the correction provided by hyaluronic acid, smoothing lines and promoting skin structure renewal.

  • HArmonyCa® provides strong volume and lifting effect
  • HArmonyCa® is susceptible to hyaluronidase
  • HARMONICA (HArmonyCa®) has reduced side effects such as burning sensation, swelling and pain
  • HArmonyCa® stimulates the formation of natural collagen
  • HArmonyCa® contains hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin
  • HArmonyCa® is biocompatible and biodegradable

Duration of the result of the procedure with HArmonyCa®?

All dermal fillers provide only a temporary result. Over time, the body naturally breaks down the filter, resulting in the treated area returning to its previous state. The duration of the result can vary considerably, according to the individual characteristics of each patient.

HArmonyCa®, unlike any other dermal filter, works in two phases – instantly filling in the treatment area and increasing collagen production over time. Therefore, the results of the treatments last up to 19 months.

How many HArmonyCa® treatments are needed to achieve the desired result?

The number of treatments needed to achieve the desired result depends on your individual facial characteristics and your personal treatment plan. Your dermatologist will determine with you the number of treatments and the amount of HArmonyCa® you will need for each treatment. You may need an adjustment to get the desired result.

When HArmonyCa®) is an appropriate procedure

  • When you have a problem with sagging skin
  • When you have fine lines or wrinkles
  • When mesotherapy does not have the desired effect
  • When the desired result is skin tightening
  • When you are looking for natural results

HArmonyCa® - contraindications

  • HArmonyCa® is contraindicated for patients with severe allergies manifested by a history of anaphylaxis or a history or presence of multiple severe allergies.
  • HArmonyCa® should not be used in patients with known hypersensitivity to any of the components.
  • HArmonyCa® is not intended for use in patients with known hypersensitivity to lidocaine or amide-type anesthetics.
  • HArmonyCa® is contraindicated for patients with bleeding disorders.

How is the procedure with HArmonyCa®

Like any other aesthetic procedure at Skin Line, HArmonyCa® injections begin with an aesthetic consultation to educate the patient in detail about what is to come and what the final results may be. During the consultation, you and your dermatologist decide if this is the right procedure for you and if your expected results can be achieved.

The patient is familiarised with the contents and signs an Informed Consent for the injectable procedure.
Next, the patient is prepared for the injection – cleaning and disinfecting the area to be treated.
Anaesthesia of the area to be treated with an anaesthetic cream containing lidocaine.
This is followed by the actual injection of HArmonyCa® into the targeted areas.
The patient is familiarized with the results achieved by the injection.

The results of HArmonyCa® treatments begin to appear after the first treatment. After the treatment is completed, the skin renewal effect continues.

Within the first 24 hours after HArmonyCa® injection:

  • The treated areas should not be washed in order to avoid contamination;
  • Do not exercise and avoid physical exertion;
  • Avoid excessively hot environments (solarium, Turkish bath, sauna, etc.).
  • Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking;
  • Do not expose yourself to direct sunlight;
  • Consume plenty of water.

The injected material may be felt for a long period of time after the procedure. Common side effects include erythema, edema, pain, tenderness, and itching. Reactions at the treatment site usually resolve within 24-48 hours and swelling within a week

Is the HArmonyCa® procedure painful?

Pain or discomfort during the procedure is minimal as the procedure is performed by an experienced injector. The procedure is minimally invasive and performed through a series of injections using an ultra thin needle. HArmonyCa® contains added lidocaine to numb the injection site during the procedure. However, the sensation of pain depends on each patient’s individual tolerance and can vary widely. The application of an anaesthetic cream and the use of special extremely fine needles greatly reduces discomfort during the procedure.

Trained HArmonyCa® doctors at Skin Line Aesthetic Clinics:

See prices for Harmonica treatments at Skin Line or buy online:

Book a consultation for Harmonica at Skin Line:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

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Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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