Exosomes - new horizons in aesthetic and regenerative medicine

Dr. Mihail Mihaylov, MD, PhD

Dr. Mihail Mihaylov, MD, PhD is a dermatologist, medical director of Skin Line Aesthetic Clinics and key opinion leader of Merz Aesthetics. He is one of the pioneers of regenerative medicine in Bulgaria, applying procedures with autologous plasma using his own protocols for the face and body as well as in the intimate areas for more than 8 years. He applies them by themselves, as well as in combination with other injectable and energy-based device treatments. His experience in regenerative medicine also allows him to improve the recovery and results after other aesthetic manipulations, as well as use regenerative therapies to overcome complications after them. Today he will tell us more about exosomes – a procedure that has become quite popular worldwide, which is still not as known and common in Bulgaria.

Екзозоми фон

Dr. Mihaylov, what are exosomes?

Exosomes are small vesicles surrounded by a membrane, which are being secreted by the cells. They contain proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and have many purposes in the body - communication between cells, transport of different substances between cells and others. They play an important role in immune response, cell growth and tissue regeneration.

Are the procedure safe, how long until we see the effects and how long do results last for?

The procedures are extremely safe because the active substance has a natural origin. Of course, just like with any medical procedure, you must discuss your individual risks and concerns with your doctor. One of the main advantages of exosomes is the quick effect - patients notice an improvement as soon as a couple of weeks after the treatment. The longevity of the results depends on the treated problem and the lifestyle of the patients, but it is generally long - from a couple of months to a couple of years.

д-р Михайлов за приложението на екзозомите

Where can they be applied and for what purpose?

I usually use exosomes as a facial treatment - to recover the glowy, youthful appearance of the skin and to stimulate the natural regenerative processes in it, decreasing the signs of aging and photodamage. I also use them to treat scars - they modulate the extracellular matrix and regenerate the tissues. My favorite application is to treat hair loss, especially when combining exosomes with PRP procedures and mesotherapy. Patients can expect a quicker tissue regeneration time, decreased inflammation and pain (when we use exosomes to treat scars or for recovery after other treatments), improved tissue functioning in degenerative conditions, a better aesthetic appearance and skin health.

д-р Михайлов за зоните на инжектиране с екзозоми

How does an exosome treatment go?

There are three main methods which we use for exosome application in our clinics. The first one is the one I prefer - injecting the product in the zone with a very thin needle, using the mesotherapy technique. In this way, we deliver the exosomes directly in the desired zone. The procedure is comfortable, we use local anesthetic creams, and extremely quick - around 15-20 minutes. The second is the topical application of exosomes after an energy-based device treatment such as CO2 laser or Morpheus8. Using this method, the exosomes are delivered into the skin using the microchannels created by the device, improving the effect of the treatment, decreased the chance of postinflammatory hyperpigmentations and shortening the recovery period significantly. The third method is preferred by my colleagues - a special protocol with Dermapen4 and their patented MG-EXO-SKIN booster, which delivers over 806 million exosomes per minute during the microneedling treatment to improve the overall appearance and health of the skin of the face. We choose the protocol according to the individual needs and desired results of each patient.

Why do you recommend exosome treatments?

Regenerative treatments are the key to the concept of prejuvenation (prevention+rejuvenation) and longevity, they use the own resources of our bodies to create a healthier and more beautiful skin. Exosomes are an additional weapon in our arsenal of regenerative treatments. They send signals to the cells that increase the healing processes, increase the potential for regeneration of the skin without being invasive, stimulate the synthesis of own collagen and elastin - the basic “building blocks” of the skin, assist in wound healing to minimize the risk of scarring and improve scar appearance. They also provide a solution for many skin issues which are not in the sphere of anti-aging - pigmentations, rosacea, alopecia.

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Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

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Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

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Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

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Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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