Photofacial comprehensive photorejuvenation

For radiant skin that everyone will notice

Visible improvement in pigmentation, age/sun spots, broken capillaries and overall skin appearance.

A gentle procedure that removes skin imperfections and stimulates the production of collagen and elastic fibres.

Minimal downtime – have your treatment during your lunch break and get back to your hectic lifestyle in a jiffy.

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What is Photofacial - comprehensive photorejuvenation

Lumenis® Photofacial™ is a comprehensive skin rejuvenation solution that delivers remarkable results by correcting signs of skin aging such as age spots, sun spots, vascular lesions, uneven skin texture and color.

The unique Photofacial – Complex Photorejuvenation technology involves treating pigmentation and superficial vascular lesions with IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) by evening out the complexion, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles and improving facial skin texture for a more youthful and radiant appearance.

What Photofacial - comprehensive photorejuvenation does for you

Lumenis® and Inmode IPL use wavelength light that is attracted to the pigment and surface blood vessels in the skin. Dark spots, sun damage and broken capillaries absorb the energy from the laser. As a result, the pigment damage gradually lightens and the broken blood vessels close and eventually disappear. Your skin is left clearer, more even and much brighter!

Why to choose Photofacial - comprehensive photorejuvenation

  • The procedure is suitable for dealing with all signs of ageing.
  • Noticeable results in pigmentation, age and sun spots, fine lines and overall skin appearance.
  • Minimal recovery time and immediate return to your busy lifestyle.
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What results to expect after Photofacial - comprehensive photo rejuvenation

The Photofacial™ treatment with Lumenis® and Inmode work on your skin by removing pigment spots and superficial blood vessels while stimulating deep collagen regeneration in a series of treatments. After the very first session, you may begin to notice an improvement in your skin’s complexion and pigmentation.

Who is the Photofacial procedure suitable for

Photofacial – complex photo rejuvenation is a procedure designed for patients with early or clear signs of aging – sun spots (Lentigines seniles) or other types of hyperpigmentation, superficial capillaries and fine lines.

Photofacial – comprehensive photorejuvenation evens the complexion, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, and improves skin texture for a more youthful and radiant appearance.

For whom the procedure Photofacial - complex photorejuvenation is inappropriate - contraindications

Photofacial – complex photorejuvenation is not a suitable procedure for everyone and carries some risks. Photofacial™ is not suitable when you have active infections, viral, fungal or bacterial diseases, inflammatory skin conditions or skin cancer. Risks may include: redness, swelling, scarring or change in pigmentation. If you are suffering from any of the conditions described above or experiencing any of the symptoms described above be sure to tell your doctor during your aesthetic consultation prior to your procedure.

How many procedures Photofacial - a comprehensive photofacial treatment are needed

Typically, it takes about 3 Photofacial – comprehensive photo rejuvenation treatments to achieve a visible improvement in skin texture. Optimal results are usually achieved after 3-5 treatments spaced 2-6 weeks apart. Once completed, you will continue to see improvements for up to six months after treatments.

Recovery after the Photofacial procedure - comprehensive photorejuvenation

Immediately after the Photofacial – Comprehensive Photorejuvenation procedure, some redness or swelling may occur depending on the customized settings of the procedure. Typically, the swelling will subside after a few hours and the redness quickly the next day or over the next few days. Most patients are able to return to their daily activities the same day.

Similarities and differences between Photofacial and Photofractional procedures

The Photofacial – Comprehensive Photorejuvenation with Lumenis Stellar and Inmode IPL procedure uses wavelength light that is attracted to the pigment and surface blood vessels in the skin. Dark spots, sun damage and broken capillaries absorb the energy from the laser. As a result, the pigment damage gradually lightens and the broken blood vessels close and eventually disappear. Your skin is left clearer, more even and much brighter!

The Photofractional – Comprehensive Laserrejuvenation treatment is a two-step treatment and adds to the Photofacial – Comprehensive Photo Rejuvenation the Lumenis Stellar ResurFX™ treatment which uses a fractionated laser beam to create a network of tiny thermal injuries on the surface of your skin to address common problems such as fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, enlarged pores and stretch marks. ResurFX™ stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin fibers in the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in firmer, smoother, tighter skin over time.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

Book consultation in:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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