LPG Endermolift

Restart collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production naturally with LPG’s Cellu M6® INTEGRAL by the Endermolift™ method with the new Ergolift working facial tip

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Over the years, the activity of fibroblasts, the cells responsible for producing collagen and elastin, decreases. The skin loses its density, elasticity and natural freshness. The signs of aging appear: wrinkles, thinning, sagging, faded complexion. Every year the skin loses 1% of its collagen.

Endermolift™ is an exclusive anti-age technology, patented by LPG, which through mechanical stimulation, naturally and non-invasively achieves skin tightening, rejuvenation and lifting of the face, neck and décolleté. The combination of a delicate vacuum and gentle micro-pulses in the new Ergolift working tip, stimulates fibroblasts deep in the dermis to reactivate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Endermolift™ is an extremely pleasant and relaxing procedure, a natural tissue fitness that maintains tissue tone, firms and smooths wrinkles, drains toxins, reduces puffiness and dark circles around the eyes, tightens contour and restores a fresh and radiant complexion.

  • Fresh and even complexion, cleansed and drained of toxins
  • For lifting the eye contour, removes puffiness and dark circles, reduces wrinkles
  • For skin tightening and rejuvenation – smooths fine and deeper wrinkles
  • Shaping, firming and lifting the facial contour
  • For slimming and reducing facial volume and double chin
  • For cell regeneration and lifting of the face, neck, décolleté

The results of recent studies are telling:

accelerated cell stimulation
+ 300%
+ 98%
hyaluronic acid
+ 80%
+ 46%
reduced wrinkle depth
- 43%
less fats
- 48%
less saggy skin
- 53%

LPG Endermolift in Skin Line

See prices for LPG Endermolift treatments at Skin Line or buy online:

Book a consultation for LPG Endermolift at Skin Line:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

Book consultation in:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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