Microblading removal

In recent years, microblading (permanent makeup) has become extremely popular – it promises convenience, time savings and always a perfect look. However, as techniques have evolved and professionals have gained more knowledge, a new trend has emerged: the search is on for more natural shapes, soft gradients and more delicate colours that enhance rather than dominate facial features.

Many people who had microblading done some time ago now feel that the result no longer matches their own preferences or is not at all what they imagined. Whether it’s because the shape is incorrect, the colour has changed over time, or they simply desire a more natural look – the need for corrections or complete removal is becoming more common.

Fortunately, modern methods of microblading removal – via laser or remover – allow for the safe and effective correction or removal of unwanted microblading from the eyebrows, eyes and lips. Below, you’ll find out how these procedures work, how long they take, how to care for your skin afterward, and how to make the best choice for yourself.

Microblading removal methods

Microblading removal can be accomplished by two main methods: laser removal and the use of a remover.

lazerno premahvane na microblading

Laser microblading removal

Laser removal of microblading is one of the most preferred and effective modern methods of removing permanent makeup and tattoos. This method uses laser beams of a specific wavelength that target the pigments in the skin. The laser emits powerful and ultra-short pulses that break the pigment particles in the dermis into smaller fragments without damaging the surrounding tissue. The cells of the immune system capture these particles and gradually eliminate them within a few weeks after the procedure.

Премахване на микроблейдинг с ремувър

Removing microblading with remover

Removing microblading with a remover involves the use of special chemical solutions (remouvres) that are applied to the skin with a machine method to dissolve the pigment. Removal of the pigment is done by phagocytosis. This method is suitable for cases where laser removal is not effective, for example, certain pigment colours such as white, yellow, pale blue, green and purple, which are difficult to affect with the laser. It is also suitable for freshly made parchment make-up (last year and a half). Removers used are gentle on the skin, soften scars and aid skin regeneration.

Number of microblading removal procedures and interval between them

The number of treatments needed depends on a variety of factors, including the depth of pigment, color, materials used and individual skin characteristics, as well as the number of permanent makeup application treatments performed.

For laser microblading removal: the first 3 treatments are 6 weeks apart, maximum 8 in the presence of fibrosis. After the 3rd procedure we increase to 8-10 weeks.

When removing microblading with remover, the procedures are 5-8 weeks apart. Typically, between 3 and 6 treatments are needed with an interval of 4 to 6 weeks between each. In some cases, especially with older or deeper placements, more sessions may be needed.

If we use a combined removal approach with both methods the intervals vary and change.

IMPORTANT !!! More frequent removal procedures do NOT lead to a better result. The lymphatic system needs time to clear the pigment and the skin also needs time to recover.

Microblading removal side effects

After treatments, minor side effects such as redness, swelling or minor bleeding in the treated area may occur. These reactions are usually temporary and subside within a few days. The severity of the swelling depends on the amount of pigment in the skin and the individual characteristics of the body. With laser removal, temporary fading of the hairs may occur, the reaction subsides after some time.

Care after microblading removal

After the procedure, it is important to observe certain care for optimal recovery. Detailed instructions will be given to you after the procedure according to the method to be used for removal.

Премахване на микроблейдинг

Suitable season for microblading removal

Permanent makeup removal procedures can be performed in any season. However, autumn and winter are more suitable as there is less sun exposure during these seasons, which reduces the risk of pigmentation and other complications. For laser removal, it is important that there has been no intense exposure to sunlight or UV light without SPF50+ sunscreen for 4-6 weeks prior to the procedure.

Additional information about the removal of microblading

It is important to note that not all pigment colors respond equally to laser removal. For example, reds and blacks are more easily removed, while whites, yellows, pale blues and purples are more resistant and may require a combined approach with a remover.

Before undergoing a permanent makeup removal procedure, it is advisable to consult a specialist who can assess your individual case and suggest the most suitable method for you.

See prices for microblading removal treatments at Skin Line or buy online:

Book a consultation for microblading removal at Skin Line:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

Book consultation in:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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