Laser hair removal treatment areas

Both women and men can remove unwanted facial hair by taking advantage of laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal of the face

  • Laser hair removal of beard
  • Upper lip laser hair removal
  • Laser hair removal of cheeks / chin line
  • Laser hair removal of sideburns
  • Laser hair removal of eyebrows

– Laser facial hair removal for women

Unwanted facial hair can cause great embarrassment to women, but this should not cause any worry. Facial hair can be removed using laser hair removal easier, faster and more comfortably than other hair removal methods. Laser hair removal takes no more than ten minutes, and the hair does not need to be visible for the procedure itself to be effective.

– Laser facial hair removal for men

Most men do not like shaving as a method, but want to permanently remove unwanted hair. They can do this with the help of laser facial hair removal. The procedure is effective as opposed to tedious shaving. Laser hair removal can also give a fresher look to the face by removing hair in areas such as the eyebrows for example.

Laser hair removal also prevents irritation and ingrown hairs, a condition in which the hair follicles are inflamed.

Laser hair removal is less painful, easier and faster compared to other alternative methods. Fewer treatments may be needed for some and more for others. As you get older, you may need to have the laser procedure again to remove new hair and/or maintain the result.

Because laser hair removal on the face involves small areas, prices are affordable and reasonable, unlike laser hair removal on areas of the body.

Laser body hair removal

Laser hair removal on back

Unwanted hair on the back can be more than a cosmetic problem as it sometimes causes itching, irritation and even infection of the hair follicles. The discomfort usually worsens in warm weather, exertion and sweating.

Back hair can be less frequent or very dense, but in either case, laser hair removal can be very helpful and effective in removing and/or reducing unwanted hair. As with other areas, the type of laser to be used for laser hair removal should be carefully selected so that the best possible result is achieved.

Laser hair removal is a much more effective method than shaving, co-masking, depilatories, plucking with tweezers, etc.

Among these methods, colo-mask for example has a good long-term effect, but the procedure is very unpleasant and can irritate the skin as well as cause pigmentation.

Laser hair removal on the back has many advantages. There are many different lasers and therefore different effects on the hair. Each has a specific effect on different skin and hair types, depending on their colour, thickness, density and density.

Locations that have different types of laser devices are best suited for laser hair removal, i.e. they have the ability to tailor to individual skin and hair type.

One laser hair removal procedure can treat the entire back. Within 5-6 laser treatments, permanent reduction and/or removal of back hair can be achieved. Even for people with thick, coarse and thick hair, thinning, reducing and settling of hair can be achieved. So with the results achieved, you will no longer have cause for worry and concern.

Laser hair removal of breasts

Some people are interested in breast hair removal. Because unwanted hair on the back, excessive or thick chest hair can be quite embarrassing and uncomfortable. Colo-masking or plucking with tweezers are not the most practical methods, and shaving is only a temporary, even momentary solution.

There are many procedures to remove unwanted chest hair, but laser hair removal is the most preferred, i.e. it is an easy, quick and permanent method. The time required depends on the size of the area treated as well as the type and density of the hair.

Laser hair removal on the breasts is much less painful than colo-mask. It takes less time than shaving, i.e. the latter has to be done more often.

Laser hair removal on the chest is extremely suitable for athletes and active exercisers. Men who are athletic are more likely to reap the benefits of laser hair removal to remove unwanted hair.

When it comes to removing chest hair using laser systems, many men find it appealing to think that after 4-6 treatments, they will no longer have this problem. Exactly how many treatments will be needed depends on the individual case. It is advisable to first consult a doctor who will perform the laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal of the leg

Laser hair removal helps to get rid of unwanted hair on your legs. The procedure can save a lot of time and effort for most women.

When unwanted hair on the legs, is removed, through laser hair removal, your legs look and feel smoother than after shaving. Laser hair removal can save many hours of valuable time. For those women , who wax, laser hair removal is much less painful and more cost effective in the long run.

Laser hair removal is not guaranteed to remove all hair, but it would certainly reduce it to a great extent as well as affect its color, thus being more inconspicuous.

The procedure takes about an hour to a few hours for both legs. It takes three to four treatments, each spaced six to eight weeks apart, to achieve significant results.

Laser hair removal of intimate area / pubic area

Like other areas of the body, laser hair removal of the intimate area depends on many factors: skin and hair color, density, and thickness of hair. Your doctor will evaluate these factors to choose the most appropriate laser procedure. The result of laser hair removal of the intimate area is durable, relatively fast, and it is necessary to maintain the effect after about 5 sessions of treatments. There is also a significant reduction in hair and ingrown hairs and bumps.

Laser hair removal of the pubic area is an effective as well as widely sought after and offered procedure. Pubic hair is not only a cosmetic concern, but because it sometimes causes infections and inflammation of the hair follicles, resulting in painful and itchy lesions. Inflammation can also lead to skin darkening or secondary hyperpigmentation. Laser hair removal can also be very effective for removing or reducing hair, as well as for attenuating or reducing follicle development. Laser hair removal stops subsequent skin pigmentation and the formation of boils.

There are other methods of hair removal such as the application of depilatory creams, electrolysis and co-mask. But these have a temporary effect, unlike laser hair removal. It achieves a permanent result of reducing most of the hair, within 4-6 treatments. The procedure is quick and painless, improving sensation and hygiene.

Laser hair removal of the armpits

Laser hair removal is very effective for the underarm area. The laser spot targets the hairs that are in the growth phase. Since not all hairs are in an active growth phase at the time of the procedure, several sessions of treatments are needed to permanently remove unwanted hair in the underarm area.

The procedure is quick as the underarms are a relatively small area, requiring only a few minutes.

Laser hair removal on hands

Unwanted hair on the arms is very unpleasant and unattractive, which often gives rise to feelings of insecurity and embarrassment. Colo-mask and shaving are only short-term solutions to the problem. Until the skin irritation from shaving or co-masking is gone, the hair grows back. Unlike these methods, laser hair removal offers a permanent and quick solution to the problem. It is the ideal procedure to achieve permanent reduction and/or removal of arm hair in both women and men.

Typically 4-5 treatments are required for lasting results. The procedure causes less discomfort and pain than the co-mask. The time it takes varies depending on the density and thickness of the hair, the area of the area, and other factors, but usually does not last more than an hour.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

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Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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