Aesthetic medicine is not only for women…

Bloomberg Businessweek Bg | October 2022

Естетичната медицина не е само за жени

 The market for aesthetic procedures for men grows by about 10% per year in the world, putting the focus on the need for specialized therapies and work techniques. Even though in Bulgaria it is still a taboo topic, more and more men are actively taking care of their appearance. They choose non-invasive or mini-invasive procedures, which require a low or no recovery period, as well as minimal follow-up care at home, allowing for an immediate return to the daily routine. Men are more likely to choose procedures with discreet and natural results, they do not want to look “done”. 

The motto of Skin Line clinics is ‘unlock your natural beauty’, and the specialists working in the clinics – dermatologists, physiotherapists and cosmetologists are trained in the anatomical differences and aesthetic specifics of men and offer a portfolio of special procedures treating different needs and wishes. Innovations with proven results and a minimal recovery period treat conditions such as hair loss, acne scars, excess fat, offer solutions for building muscles, intimate aesthetics. 

Half of men up to 50 years of age have experienced some form of hair loss. 

Естетичната медицина не е само за жени
 The specialists in the clinics can offer different forms of treatment – regenerative procedures, classical injectable therapies, cosmetic procedures. Regenerative procedures – PRP, or the so-called vampire lifting, which uses the own blood plasma of the patient is most successful for younger patients, due to them having a higher count of growth factors in their blood. PRP is also extremely appropriate as a maintenance treatment after a hair transplant. For older patients, other therapies are more suitable – hair fillers, scalp mesotherapy, and in more serious cases of male pattern baldness – injecting a medication which inhibits the testosterone conversion into dihydrotestosterone – the hormone causing the condition. An innovation in Skin Line is Signature PRP – enriching the own blood plasma with active substances, which create the most suitable environment for the new cells and make the hair healthier and stronger.  Body procedures are also extremely popular and preferred by men. They are suitable for patients with a sedentary lifestyle or those with health restrictions, as well as an addition to and recovery after intense training. In Skin Line clinics, LPG (mechanostimulation and lymphating drainage, which tightens the skin, decreases circumferences, and fastens metabolism) is combined with different technologies such as radiofrequency, muscle stimulation, cryolipolysis, injectables for the body (lipolytics, therapies for scars and stretch marks). The clinics have the only LPG Alliance Medical in Bulgaria – an innovative LPG device, which offers rehabilitation protocols, treatment of health conditions, preparations for and recovery after surgery.  Non-surgical male intimate aesthetics are also extremely popular. Many men would agree that their penis is the most important organ in their body. Its correct function is key for intimate relationships and affects men’s self-worth. The most popular therapy is Priapus shot (P-shot) – a regenerative treatment, which uses the patient’s own blood plasma, which is then injected into the penis. It achieves an improvement in sexual function and stamina, increases blood flow and sensitivity. The therapy is also used for treating Peyronie’s disease and trauma in the zone. Patients are also looking for a nonsurgical alternative to phalloplasty – a procedure increasing the size of the penis. This can be achieved with hyaluronic fillers, allowing patients to achieve their desires appearance and size of the penis without a recovery period.

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