Skinline Signature mesotherapy with polynucleotides and hyaluronic acid 3ml


Skinline Signature mesotherapy with polynucleotides and hyaluronic acid for the treatment of fine lines and tissue regeneration 3ml

Skinline Signature mesotherapy with polynucleotides and hyaluronic acid for the treatment of fine lines and tissue regeneration 3ml

Mesotherapy to stimulate hair growth is an injectable procedure. It has been used for decades to restore shine and volume to thinning hair and to stimulate the roots of the hair, making it stronger, healthier and more vibrant. Mesotherapy cocktails activate hair growth, improving its elasticity, strength and density. Superficial microinjections are placed just below the epidermal layer of the skin into the relevant tissues to stimulate natural regeneration and cell proliferation of the hair follicle.

Mesotherapy is used in women and men, for the treatment of hair loss caused by medication, as a result of stress, disease, hormonal imbalance, alopecia areata, androgenetic alopecia, for prophylaxis, etc.

Mesotherapy uses a dual-action process that involves both chemical and mechanical stimulation of the affected area by means of repeated pricks.

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