In this article, Skin Line Clinics specialists answer some of the most frequently asked questions before starting a course of laser hair removal after the summer season. In 2001 Skin Line introduced laser hair removal as an exclusive procedure for the first time. 19 years later, it is among the most preferred and commonly performed treatments. The long professional experience and practice of Skin Line clinics are a major factor in the choice of equipment, namely the Elite+ medical laser system by Cynosure, a world-renowned American company that patented the first Alexandrite laser and guarantees treatments of the highest quality and efficiency.
Laser hair removal is based on the theory of selective photothermolysis. The aim is to reduce the productivity of the hair follicle by irradiating the hair shaft with a light pulse. The melanin in the hair is heated and transmits the absorbed heat to the hair follicle. However, if the correct amount of energy is not dosed and timed to be delivered, there is a risk of burning the skin or, conversely, of the treatment having insufficient effect.
Laser hair removal not only permanently reduces unwanted hair, but also slows down the growth of remaining hair in the area. At the same time, the remaining hairs become much finer and thinner.
Professional laser hair removal is directly related to the complexion of the skin and sun exposure and therefore in Skin Line clinics it is performed by medical specialists who individually refine the parameters of the work. Laser hair removal can be performed on tanned skin, but NOT immediately after exposure to direct sunlight, without the application of sunscreen, as it can cause skin burning. To avoid this risk it is necessary to observe an interval of 3 weeks after the last direct sun exposure before the procedure. Photosensitivity can also be caused by previous intake of groups of medications, dietary supplements, and inflammation in the treatment area.
The day after a laser hair removal procedure, the skin is usually slightly red or with papules, which can last up to several hours. It is imperative to apply a sunscreen with SPF 50+ after the procedure, as well as throughout the course, to maximize skin protection and prevent pigmentation. To this end, it is also extremely important to avoid acquiring a tan, as effective and safe treatment of the finest hairs requires a controlled increase in the parameters of the laser system.
You must have many acquaintances who have shared about a large number of laser procedures performed with unsatisfactory effect!
Due to the oversupply of laser hair removal, it is necessary to inform yourself about the types of laser systems, which is determinant for the effectiveness of the procedure. They can be conventionally divided into 2 groups – medical and cosmetic.
The only disadvantage of the Alexandrite laser is the inability to treat V and VI phototype skin.
Nd:YAG – lasers are used for hair removal in darker skin (V and VI) phototype skin. They do not have as good an end result due to the fact that they are not as effective in areas with finer hairs as the Alexandrite laser.
Cosmetic lasers are the most commonly used in Bulgaria due to the significantly lower cost of the equipment. These are diode systems, which are not actually lasers but use diode lamps. You can most easily tell if the device is diode laser by the fact that a contact gel is placed on the area before the procedure and the area is treated several to many times. They are extremely safe due to their inferior characteristics. Their effectiveness is only in areas with thicker and darker hairs and compared to the Alexandrite laser have a much less satisfactory end result.
In their mode of operation, these systems are very similar to the so popular home photoepilators, which suppress the growth of the hair follicle rather than destroy it.
Skin Line Clinics’ specialists advise you to carefully research the location where to perform your procedure. It is important that the clinic has a medical Alexandrite laser from a proven manufacturer, the procedure is performed by a certified medical professional. This would save you a lot of time, money and effort as well as disappointment with the effect.
Don’t be misled by advertisements for laser treatments that can be performed during sun exposure. This means that the procedure is most likely done with a diode machine and the result will disappoint you and negate your financial investment. Professional laser hair removal is a medical procedure, and in the hands of trained professionals results in exceptional effectiveness.
Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv
Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.
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Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost
Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91
Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center
Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.
Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna
Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.