How can we use aesthetic means to achieve a young and beautiful yet natural-looking appearance?

Svetlana Krasteva – owner and manager of the Skin Line clinic chain – a specialist with many years of experience in the field of aesthetics answers the question.

Светлана Кръстева

Svetlana, the motto of your clinics is “The art of creating natural beauty” – something we all strive for. But how can we achieve it by aesthetic means?

Every face is individual. A young face has the so-called V-shape, which is characterized by high cheekbones, smooth and well-defined contour, well-defined jawline and chin. With age, natural changes occur, which are associated with a loss of volume in the soft tissues, a decrease in skin elasticity, etc. The skin loses its freshness, relaxes and the facial contour changes. Although they are a common feature of age, all these changes cause individual transformations in different faces. It is important for specialists to make a proper assessment of the face of the individual patient and decide which treatments are most suitable for him. Unfortunately, we sometimes witness results after aesthetic procedures that are, to say the least, unnatural and inharmonious – hypercorrection, product migration, asymmetries. Aesthetic corrections are not an end in themselves, but an individual approach. The point of correct professional aesthetic intervention is to return freshness and to get as close as possible to the natural youthful appearance without changing the individuality by means of non-surgical methods.

You mentioned “non-surgical methods”, what are they and are they an equal opponent to the scalpel?

In the field of aesthetics, new equipment is constantly appearing, new methods are being applied and new working techniques are being developed . The most popular and time-tested are gel fillers, the most mainstream and safe are those based on hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy products, mesolift and biorevitalization , resorbable sutures, botulinum toxin and of course various equipment. From our experience with many and varied techniques, I would point to radiofrequency and magnetic fields, mechanical stimulation and quality medical lasers as the most effective. Bulgaria is a country with a high demand for aesthetic and cosmetic services and therefore the market is saturated with different equipment. Unfortunately, it is common to find centres that work with machines of unreliable origin, and promise unreal and undeliverable results. There is no way to achieve a good effect with cheap equipment. It is very important to select the most effective, primarily safe products and methods to achieve the desired correction. It is very important for me as an investor and as a professional responsible to my patients to buy products and equipment from globally proven companies that guarantee the quality and success of our work.

How are non-surgical methods applied, alone or can they be combined?

Both options are feasible, but the most important is the initial consultation with the doctor and the correct professional assessment of the face of the particular patient. In the past, the specialist’s focus was on filling a specific wrinkle, such as the nasolabial fold, or on the lips, which were given volume. Today, the innovative approach requires a global assessment of the face, its proportions and individual features, as well as identifying the needs of the specific individual. This is followed by the design of an individual programme, made up of successive procedures, to achieve the most desirable natural and harmonious result.

The modern professionalism of specialists who perform aesthetic procedures is not measured only by being good injectors, but in the ability to make a correct assessment of the individual patient and to know the latest and most modern methods and equipment. They also need to have good quality and versatile equipment and know how to use it. In order to meet the individual needs of patients. specialists need to equilibrate with different methods, and technologies, and know how and in what sequence to apply them.

In this sense, it is better to trust clinics or specialists that work with world-renowned companies, as a guarantee of quality, efficiency and predictable results.

Many young women resort to fillers as salvation from the first appearance of wrinkles and signs of aging. However, the effect is not always beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Are there non-invasive methods that are a good alternative to injectables?

As I mentioned before, the initial assessment of the face, its individual features and proportions is extremely important. The specialist’s ability to select the most appropriate procedures for the needs of the individual patient and to perform them in a specific sequence is of utmost importance. When we are talking about volume loss in soft tissues, fillers are a wonderful tool. They fill in very well where there is volume loss. Sometimes it is necessary to first perform several treatments with a fractionated laser to smooth the uneven skin surface,to tighten loose skin, to stimulate fibroblasts to form new collagen and then to add hyaluronic acid in the form of a filter, skinbuster, biorevitalization. However, in more voluminous faces, with more fatty tissue and very loose skin, the insertion of fillers can achieve the opposite effect of rejuvenation. For this type of face, a great alternative is Venus Legacy therapy, which is a synergistic combination of multipolar radiofrequency, pulsating magnetic fields and a boiling pulse. This procedure sculpts and sculpts the face overall, reducing fat deposits in the cheeks and double chin area, highlighting the cheekbones, tightening the skin and achieving an overall lifting effect. The result is visible after the first treatment, and after a course of several treatments, which are done once a week, serious transformations are observed in terms of contouring the oval and cheekbones.

What is the effect of Venus Legacy on the facial skin ?

During the procedure, the tissues in the area to be treated, in this case the face (as this device also treats areas on the body) are heated at a temperature of up to about 42 degrees. This deep stimulation improves metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow and activates the production of new blood vessels and dermal fibroblasts, which in turn increase collagen and elastin fibres. It is the new collagen and elastin that make the skin smoother and firmer.

And what is the feeling that the client has during the Venus Legacy treatment? You mentioned 42 degrees, do we feel any heating?

The procedure is not painful at all, on the contrary, it is relaxing, it feels pleasantly warming, and the effect is visible after the first treatment and is expressed in a serious tightening of the facial skin, lifting effect in the area around the eyes, double chin and facial contour. Due to the quick result that is observed immediately after the procedure, it is very suitable to be performed immediately before any special occasion.

The latest studies show that aging actually begins at the age of 25. I don’t know if you would agree. And in that line of thought, when should we start with beauty treatments so that we have a preventative and look younger longer?

The goal of aesthetic intervention is not only correction, but also largely prevention. Generally, we should take care of our face then when the mimic wrinkles have not become stationary. The earlier prevention begins, the longer more serious corrections will be delayed in time. Of course, skin care should start at a young age, with efforts mostly focused on keeping the skin clean and well hydrated.

Finally, what is your advice to all future patients and clients of aesthetic procedures?

It’s your face, so choose carefully and wisely a clinic and specialists you can trust. Inform yourself before having a procedure- today we have unlimited access through the World Wide Web and learning about the latest and most advanced methods is a must. Explore the websites of our and foreign clinics, get to know where the best techniques are used in our country. Look for clinics with experience, quality equipment and certified specialists. Any good importing company provides initial training and maintains the level of professionals working with the relevant products and equipment. Make a consultation with the specialist who will perform the procedures. In our clinics, these preliminary consultations are free of charge. During the conversation with the specialists, ask questions to get professional answers. The goal is to be fully aware of the overall aesthetic change plan and the expected result, the procedures that will be performed on you, the effect that will be achieved after each of them, the side effects that could occur. Before any procedure, you must carefully read and complete the informed consent, thereby committing yourself to strictly follow the instructions therein.

It is extremely important to establish trust between patient and specialist, respectively patient and clinic team.

Lastly – Do not be tempted by low prices, it is difficult to achieve a satisfactory result with cheap products and machines.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

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Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

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Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

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Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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