Gift voucher

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We believe that the greatest treasure are our loved ones and we appreciate the wish of everyone who has chosen to make a loved one happy!

We at Skin Line are pleased to offer you an original gift voucher to deliver a real experience and a unique feeling of luxury care to a loved one.

You can choose a specific facial/body treatment or specify an amount of your choice for the recipient to use on a desired treatment.

We will hand wrap the voucher in the form of a scroll containing a personal message in a luxury box (shown).

The voucher preparation is free of charge and valid for 6 months from the date.

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Gift voucher with a value of your choice from 50 to 1000BGN.

With our gift voucher you can delight a loved one with a procedure of your choice at Skin Line clinics for a value of your choice between 50 and 1000 BGN. The voucher can be used electronically – by email or in a traditional Skin Line form. The recipient has the option to log into our online store, select a procedure and pay with the voucher. If you visit one of our clinics, you can receive the gift voucher you have purchased in our traditional form and give it to us personally.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Plovdiv

Plovdiv, 91 Maritsa Blvd.

Book consultation in:

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Mladost

Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

Book a consultation at Skin Line Sofia Center

Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

Book a consultation at Skin Line Varna

Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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