Dr Stefana Damevska, from Skin Line Aesthetic Clinics, will be conducting free consultations about skin cancer. The campaign is taking place annually with the support of the Euromelanoma foundation. This year, Avene and the European Dermatooncological Association. The aim of the campaign is to increase societal awareness about malignant skin formations, the options for prevention and the advantages of early diagnosis.

drdamevska pregledi euromelanoma

Facts and statistics about skin cancer you should know

What are the symptoms that can help you identify the problem?

  • Skin cancer is the most frequently diagnosed oncological disease in the world;
  • Five or more sun burns double the chance of melanoma;
  • About 90% of non-melanoma skin cancer can be associated with exposition to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun;
  • Basocellular carcinoma is the most frequent form of skin cancer;
  • Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common form of skin cancer;
  • More than 5400 deaths per month in the world can be attributed to non-melanoma skin cancer;
  • Only about 30% of cases of melanoma are diagnosed in existing nevuses, while about 70% of cases develop on visibly normal skin;
  • The WHO classifies solariums in Group 1 of cancerogenic substances and activities – together with plutonium, tobacco and UV radiation from the sun;
  • 97% of women who are diagnosed with melanoma before the age of 30 have used tanning beds;
  • About 90% of visible skin aging is caused by the sun.
  • Appearance of new nevuses – with irregular shape, which appear suddenly, change their shape and grow;
  • Changes in old nevuses – growth, change in shape, change in color, surface;
  • Appearance of wounds that will not heal;
  • Appearance of spots, especially ones that grow quickly;
  • Appearance of atypical skin inflammation;

The so-called ABCDE rule, describing the main characteristics of nevuses that should be monitored is extremely relevant:

  • A – asymmetry – the two halves of the nevus do not correspond;
  • B – borders – the borders of the nevus are uneven or hard to define;
  • C – color – the nevus changes color, becomes darker, has multiple colors, loses its color or has atypical tones (blue, red, pink, grey)
  • D – diameter – the nevus changes its diameter
  • E – evolving – the nevus has changing surface that is uneven

How can we prevent skin cancer?

To decrease the risk of developing skin cancer, we can follow a few simple rules:

  • Avoiding tanning beds and long exposure to the sun’s rays without the appropriate safety (umbrella, hat, SPF50+)
  • Daily use of a product with high sun protection factor SPF50+ in the exposed zones, no matter the season;
  • Attention to skincare after procedures or while using medication that increases the skin’s photosensitivity.

We also recommend a yearly check up with a dermatologist, who can notice atypical changes in the skin and tracking changes in spots using the ABCDE rule at home.

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