EVA MAGAZINE | March 2022


Injection of hyaluronic fillers has become one of the most preferred aesthetic procedures worldwide. They are intended to fill in wrinkles, dimples, and irregularities on the face, in areas where there is depletion of tissue and bone padding. However, the ideal goal, namely harmonization and rejuvenation of the face, is only achieved when injected correctly. When fillers are not placed adequately and the amount is overdone, especially in areas such as the lips and cheekbones, so-called overfill syndrome occurs. It manifests itself visibly in an unbalanced midface, an overexposed and unnatural appearance and heaviness, especially in facial expressions such as smiling, laughing, frowning. Current trends for maximum natural results are challenging aesthetic physicians to actively work on better dynamic injection techniques and with smaller volumes. To ensure a long-lasting effect, natural-looking appearance, and to prevent facial “overexposure,” injectors require patients to smile and move the facial

musculature during the procedure. With the advent of natural-looking trends and minimal alteration of individual features, more and more patients are experiencing disappointment with the results of previous interventions and visits to specialists for correction are increasing. Dermatologists at Skin Line Clinics are experienced in breaking down hyaluronic fillers to correct unwanted volume, product migration and other issues, as well as to prepare the face for subsequent injections. The most effective method of doing this is injecting the enzyme hyaluronidase into the area where the fillers were injected. The product breaks down hyaluronic acid almost instantly and works effectively on both recently placed hyaluronic fillers and products that have accumulated over the years. Skin Line clinics use the revolutionary new product TopiLase, a cream with a hyaluronidase-like effect, particularly suitable for patients with allergies on whom injectable hyaluronidase cannot be applied.

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The footage shows an example from the practice of aesthetic dermatologists at Skin Line Clinics of a patient before, after and after a hyaluronidase degradation and subsequent injection with a filter. At the initial visit, the patient reported that she was unhappy with the result after having previous fillers placed and that she had strong facial mimicry that caused migration of the product. In addition, over a period of 6 years she had been injected with new product once or twice a year. After degradation with hyaluronidase, there was an immediate decrease in the large volume on the upper lip as well as the “bulges” on the lower lip. After 14 days, the new hyaluronic product is also injected “clean”. The end result is more natural looking lips, free of unevenness and migration.

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The two shots here are a typical example of overfill syndrome. The mimic above (before hyaluronidase digestion) looks unnatural. The upper lip does not have the natural lines due to the large amount of product. The second shot was taken a month after the new hyaluronic filter injection.

The aesthetic dermatologists at Skin Line Clinics are professionals with experience not only in injecting hyaluronic fillers, but also in dealing with com pliages and corrections to previous procedures. The results are only successful and satisfying when they are natural and do not alter the individual appearance.

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Sofia, Mladost 4, Blvd. Aleksandar Malinov 91

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Sofia, 12-16 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.

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Varna, 53 Knyaz Boris I Blvd.

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